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Why Your Company Should Implement a Managed Snack Program in 2020

For individuals and companies alike, a new year often means a fresh start. Whether it’s new goals or a new budget, the start of a new year is the ideal time to make personal or business changes. And with 2020 quickly approaching, a new decade represents the perfect occasion to evaluate your past and determine what needs to be improved upon in the future. 

For CEOs and office managers, the beginning of a new decade can be used to take a closer look at the processes that you have in place and strategize ways to accomplish goals and complete projects in a more efficient and effective manner. With technology rapidly evolving, there are more ways than ever to automate everyday tasks, starting with snacks. A managed snack program, such as Tyme’s Office Snack Program, will save your company time and money while improving the employee experience and making your workplace more desirable for potential recruits. 

These are six reasons why your company should implement a managed snack program in 2020:


With a managed snack program, you will know in advance exactly how much your company will be spending on snacks for employees each month and can budget accordingly. When an office manager is tasked with purchasing new snacks on his or her own, the cost can vary greatly from month-to-month depending on factors such as price increases, sales, and item availability. This makes it more difficult to allocate funds, and snack selection (or your expense sheet) may suffer as a result. Tyme offers fixed monthly prices that your company accountant is bound to appreciate.

Additionally, participation in a snack program often offers perks such as discounts on snack items. With Tyme, your company will be able to benefit from receiving up to 25 percent off the retail price of many popular snack brands. Plus, Tyme’s proprietary “Like/Dislike” app feature allows employees to choose which snacks they enjoy the most, so you won’t waste money purchasing items that will just end up in the trash bin.


In today’s modern workplace, it’s typical for employees to have a wide variety of dietary restrictions or food allergies, not to mention personal preferences! This can make choosing snacks for the entire office an aggravating, thankless task for the office manager.

Joining a managed snack program means snacks are delivered directly to your office, saving office managers time and effort that can be instead used towards other work projects. Not only that, but Tyme’s Office Snack Program discovers what your employees like and dislike so you don’t have to spend time analyzing survey responses or gathering input person-by-person. Tyme’s snack concierge solicits feedback from each employee about their likes and dislikes, and then aggregates that data and automatically orders snacks that everyone will love.


It’s no secret that building a strong company culture with positive employee morale offers many benefits, from lower absence rates to higher productivity levels. Showing your team that you care about their wellness goes a long way towards boosting workplace morale, and one way to do that is by providing healthy and tasty snacks. A managed snack program will provide your employees with an ever-changing mix of feel-good snacks that taste delicious and leave them feeling great. Investing in food for your employees shows that they are more than just a number and that their company cares about their wellbeing.


Free food is a popular perk, and knowing that a prospective employer is committed to providing quality snacks can be enticing for potential employees and appealing to current ones. Not only does this mean that they can save money by not having to purchase snacks on their own, but with a program like Tyme’s, they will appreciate having some input in choosing which snacks are stocked. This is particularly important for individuals who have limited food options due to allergies or dietary restrictions.


From increased energy and clearer heads to more time spent in the office, providing your employees with food and drinks that are good for them won’t just benefit your workers personally, but it can also lead to increased production for your company! Offering healthy snacks will help employees power through that dreaded afternoon slump, keep them focused on the task at hand and encourage them to stay in the office instead of in line at the local coffee shop. Eating nutritious snacks versus their vending machine counterparts will also help employees’ long and short-term health (less sick days!) and improve their moods. Remember, a happy employee is a productive employee!


With a managed snack program like Tyme’s, snack experts do extensive research and taste-testing to ensure that only the best snacks are delivered to your office. They find snacks that have clean, delicious ingredients and curate a collection specifically for your workplace. Your employees will enjoy eating an exciting variety of snacks from various brands that they may have never had the opportunity to try before. Plus, many snack programs have access to new snacks that aren’t yet available on the market!

Tyme’s Office Snack Program brings an impressive selection of snacks directly to your office! Your dedicated snack concierge takes snack duties off of your plate by picking snacks based on the likes and preferences of all employees in your office. We offer ease and convenience, great prices, and guaranteed happiness. Find out more about Tyme’s Snack Program today!